
Race, Rights, Religion Conference

Apr 20, 2018 - Apr 21, 2018 at - | Perry World House - Global Policy Lab 3803 Locust Walk

This conference is sponsored by the Religious Studies Department in partnership with other university bodies including the Boardman Fund and the South Asia Center, and will be held at Perry World House.  It brings together an outstanding group of scholars to discuss a range of pressing and timely questions concerning the intersection of race and religion as they relate to rights in the modern United States. Please contact the Department of Religious Studies if you need any further information.

Friday April 20th
 “On Writing Antisemitism out of and into American Exceptionalism,”
(Lila Corwin Berman, Department of History, Temple University)

"How Hate Crime Laws Perpetuate Anti-Muslim Racism,”
(Evelyn Alsultany, Departments of Arab and Muslim American Studies and American Culture, University of Michigan)  

“Groupness and Anti-Muslim Racism: Evidence from the Case of Iranians in
the United States,”
(Neda Maghbouleh, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto)

“The Racial Dilemma: Confronting Islamophobia in the Trump Era,”
(Erik Love, Department of Sociology, Dickinson College)

“Citizens of God in a Segregated Nation: Asian Christian Students and the Challenges of Activism in America during the Early Twentieth Century,”
(Stephanie D. Hinnershitz, Department of History, Cleveland State University)

Saturday April 21st

“Black Dignity: Paul Robeson, Christianity, and International Law,”
(Vincent Lloyd, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Villanova University)

"Racial Liberalism, Black Power and the Ethical Turn in Politics,”
(Terrence L. Johnson, Departments of Religion and Government, Georgetown University)

“MLK and Black Power: Hope, History, and Violence in Revolution,”
(Terrance Wiley, Departments of Religion and Africana studies. Haverford College)